Saturday, July 07, 2007

Improving on slavery by bringing it back to its Roots

WTO | NEWS - WTO Announces Formalized Slavery Model for Africa - The Yes Men

I was just checking out the Yes Men site to see what they've been up to... at Anyway, if you haven't heard of them, they're like the American version of the early Tupamaros with their guerilla theater. Just a lot less guerilla and a lot more theater. So, exactly the United Statesian version of the Tupamaros.

Anyway, you might have heard of their Dow Chemical impersonation on BBC, where they accepted full responsibility for Bhopal on behalf of Dow, and Dow stock dropped by about a billion dollars - unfortunately, it went right back up after the BBC issued a retraction, but anyway... One of their latest gigs was impersonating WTO spokesmen at a conference on African trade at UPenn's Wharton biz school, where they introduced a program of 'full private stewardry of labor' - i.e., slavery - as a means of improving the lives of Africans. Afterwards, the US trade rep for Africa, "Dr. Laurie Ann Agama (Director for African Affairs at the Office of the US Trade Representative), prefaced her remarks by thanking Schmidt for his macroscopic perspective, saying that the USTR view adds details to the WTO's general approach. Nigerian Central Bank Governor Soludo also acknowledged the WTO proposal, though he did not seem to appreciate it as much as did Agama." (from

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