Friday, February 24, 2012

Make reason victorious over ideology - an open letter to the UVA Board of Visitors

Dear Ladies, Gentlemen, Doctors, and Judge,

As the proud older brother of a UVA student who has chosen to forgo food in order to draw attention to the plight of contract workers at the University, I implore you all to take a second or perhaps even third look at the policy of ensuring that all UVA workers, contracted workers included, are paid at an inflation-indexed level that would afford them the basic necessities of life. To do so would require an expense equal only to 0.25% of the annual budget.

And what would this meager cost purchase for the University? Besides a more stable workforce with less turnover and that experiences less day-to-day productivity-impairing stress, instituting such a policy would put UVA among the company of all Ivy League universities, not to mention the University of California at Berkeley. Furthermore, it is the morally right thing to do, and it is sound economics.

Now, some of you may be under the false impression that from an economic point of view, this policy is wrongheaded. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is a school of economic thought, known as the neoclassical school, which would claim that this policy will result in negative outcomes. Sadly, the neoclassical school is dominant within the economics academy in the United States and several other countries, and its prescriptions are often mistaken for economic wisdom. Yet one must remember that it is the neoclassical school of economics that was deafeningly silent during the run-up to the financial crash and the Great Recession. It was the neoclassical school that preached the infallibility and self-policing wonder of the market, and touted the efficient markets hypothesis that claimed that wildly-inflated housing prices were fundamentally sound, and that the pricing of risk in credit default swaps and other weapons of mass destruction derivatives was perfectly accurate and reliable.

That the neoclassical school still claims adherents is not in itself a problem; in our pluralistic society, people are free to believe whatever ideology they fancy. The problem with the neoclassical school is that its adherents hold undue sway over the economics academy, and from there exercise undeserved power over policymaking and economic prescriptions. For a long while, psychology too was under the sway of a demonstrably unscientific paradigm, the Freudian school; luckily for it, the psychology academy was able to shed Freudianism, and diverge into more profitable avenues of scientific inquiry. I urge you to free yourself from the unfortunate anachronism that is neoclassical economics, and closely read the excellent, empirical work describing the issue of remuneration at UVA here.

The Victory of Knowledge Over Ignorance Bartholomeus Spranger (1591)
That the neoclassical school will wither and fade away is not in question. The question is: how long will it take? In a moment of professional frustration, perhaps, the brilliant physicist Max Planck wrote of a principle that was later named after him: that new, superior scientific theories do not gain predominance by convincing scientists of their accuracy; rather, that the old scientists with their outmoded theories slowly die off, and younger scientists who adhere to the superior theories slowly replace them.

Most of you are my elders, leaders in business, medicine and the law. You have the enviable opportunity to disprove the Planck Principle in this one instance. You have the opportunity to make the right economic and moral decision, and to place UVA among the leaders of the academy, by instituting an inflation-indexed wage to allow a decent standard of living for all UVA workers, whether direct or contracted employees. This is not an opportunity to be missed.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

America towards cooperativism

Book Review of America Beyond Capitalism by Gar Alperovitz

If I were to propose a way to put the United States, and the rest of the world, on a path towards a sustainable economy and a liveable, humane, and vibrant society, I would begin like this: First, I would nationalize the media, revising the constitution to institute the media as a democratically-controlled, de jure fourth branch of government. I'd then turn to the nationalization of the banks, energy companies, and all other natural monopolies, creating a democratic governing structure for nationalized industries equally responsive to their workers and the public at large. Then I'd cut the military by 80% or so, re-purposing "defense" companies with government contracts to build a sustainable energy infrastructure, and a sustainable agriculture system. Maybe then I'd focus on democratizing university governing structures while increasing funding both to eliminate tuition fees and to equip them to produce far more graduates with advanced degrees to form the core of a massive increase in adult education nation- and worldwide. Oh, and then there's the matter of instituting maximum work weeks and work-sharing requirements, to both increase free time and eliminate unemployment.

Unfortunately, taking a flight of fancy such as this soon puts one in the position of a Wiley E. Coyote, pausing and looking down to realize that he has left the ground beneath him a while ago, and is now hundreds of meters above the floor of a canyon. As one plummets down, reality becomes clear: the next presidential election will be between a Mormon private equity capitalist and a milquetoast reformer with the daring of an ostrich and a big crush on financiers. There. Is. No. Hope.

But then comes a book written by someone with over half a century's worth of experience with social change, to say: "those who say that nothing can be done because reactionaries control everything simply do not recall or do not know how impossible the world felt before the 'unexpected' explosions of the 1960s." Well - that is me. "Those who tell me the opposition to change, now, is so great that nothing can be done would do well to read just a bit about what it was like before the civil rights movement was a movement." Touché! OK, old man - whaddya got?

For one, he's no googly-eyed optimist, ignorant of just how fucked we currently are: "[c]ontributing to both the relative and absolute trends during much of the final quarter of the twentieth century was the fact that hourly wages of the bottom 60 percent did not rise as fast as inflation - with the result that the real income each person earned, hour by hour, was actually lower in 1995 than in 1973. For very large numbers of Americans, the only reason total family income rose - very modestly - was that people worked longer hours and/or spouses (mainly wives) went to work in increasing numbers. ... [M]any would have been better off if the economy had simply stood still at the 1973 level."

Check. But what to do about it?

That's coming. But first, Alperovitz demonstrates that the recognition that our economy is structured in an absolutely insane way is not exclusive to the Left. In fact, some of the most interesting parts of the book lay out the thoughts of older conservative economists and political theorists, which demonstrate that many of the core values of the Left may be shared more broadly than one might think. For instance:
"The 'Chicago school' conservative economist Henry C. Simons analyzed the underlying logic of [concentrated corporate] power and came to the conclusion that 'regulatory strategies' involved the worst of all solutions. Even public ownership was better, he felt - even from the perspective of free-market economic theory. At least it provided for public disclosure of information and open oversight. The state, Simons proposed, 'should face the necessity of actually taking over, owning, and managing directly ... industries in which it is impossible to maintain effectively competitive conditions.' Likely candidates included railroads, 'utilities, oil extraction, life insurance, etc.' For similar reasons Simons suggested that it might make sense for metropolitan governments to 'acquire much or most of the land in their areas.'"
Sure hasn't hurt Singapore.

But this is just one of the interesting asides in the book. The heart of the book is a revealing, surprising, and heartening description of how much progress has already been made, under the radar, in a staggering variety of cooperative, municipal and employee-owned enterprises. To provide just one example:
"In general, ESOPs [employee stock ownership plan-having companies] have been found to be as productive or more productive than comparable non-ESOP firms. Annual sales growth, on average, is also greater in ESOP than in non-ESOP firms. When ESOPs are structured to include greater participation, however, the advantages of worker ownership increase substantially. Studies [...] all confirm that combining worker ownership with employee participation commonly produces greater productivity gains, in some cases over 50 percent."
And this is just one example of hundreds that Alperovitz provides of a country experiencing the development of a substantial cooperative sector within an otherwise dog-eat-dog capitalist economy. As opposed to my flight of revolutionary fancy above, Alperovitz's vision is a piecemeal, ground-up process of continual development and improvement. His idea, it seems, is that the cooperative sector can grow to such an extent that its existence, and viability, will become apparent on a national level. And, when the next economic crash comes (just give the financial sector a little more time), the idea of cooperativism will be prominent enough that it will form the paradigm the federal government will have to turn to in reforming and rebuilding the economy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Those who live in glass cult compounds shouldn't throw stones

The Fantastical Crackpot Cult of Ron Paul by Bob Cesca

Yes, his economic ideas are pure crackpot. And yes, if he could actually implement them, they would cause an economic collapse in this country. (Around the world, I'm not so sure; I tend to think that even though much of the rest of the world has been ideologically colonized by Unitedstatesian theoclassical economics, they can't be that dumb.)

But could his libertard ideas actually be implemented? It is, after all, Congress that holds the power of the purse. And roll back the Civil Rights Act? Sure thing, right after Paul unilaterally renames the country, The Federated States of Ayn Rand. Certainly, Congress will comply.

But the biggest problem I have with Bob's article is when he writes: "The reality is that our political system has remained relatively intact for 224 years because most people, despite their gretzing, are actually comfortable with the continuity it provides. If voters were as militantly anti-system as they claim to be in anecdotal conversations, they would elect more incumbents [sic] and fringy third-party challengers."
- This is so idiotic it pains me to read it. Elsewhere, Bob uses the word "meme" in his writing, but apparently he understands the concept only as deeply as marketers do. Bob, let me explain: information is physical - information outside of a physical substrate does not exist. Hence political information must be delivered; and a mix of logistics and epidemiology governs its spread. Voters make their decisions based on what they know. What they know is based largely on what they see, hear and read through the largest media outlets. That's why voters elect more incumbents, and don't elect fringy third-party challengers. Not because the voters occupy some kind of intellectual Mount Olympus, from which they can perfectly see all potential candidates and all sides of all issues, and judiciously choose between them. If that were so, the entire commercial media would collapse overnight, as its marketing and advertising base realizes that it is actually totally ineffective and a colossal waste of money. And campaign fundraising would be entirely unnecessary.

Finally, as for Bob's claim that Paul isn't as anti-war as his statements would lead one to believe: hey, quite possibly. Though the few thousand bucks in campaign donations from employees of defense contractors that Bob cites isn't convincing evidence. I'd take my chances with Paul, and only for the militarism issue - which, incidentally, is the one aspect of his platform that he would as Commander-in-Chief actually have direct control over, and wouldn't have to fight with a less-loopy-on-economic-issues Congress.

After all, why not? I held my nose and supported Obama over McCain. And yes, maybe I will get burned again... after all, to paraphrase Bob, "[p]eople who are devoted to Barack Obama appear to be more interested in the fantastical, fictitious idea of President Barack Obama than the realistic manifestation of President Barack Obama."